creative expressionismsismmms
In this free workshop, we will outline the changes to our Every Ability Community Sessions, the way these changes will integrate with our new training and resources, and their impact on the service providers who attend.
Then, through a specially designed training session, participants will learn simple person centred techniques to encourage social engagement, develop practical skills and achieve outstanding outcomes with their clients, their team and other stakeholders.
Workshop Outcomes:
• Discuss changes to EALY – Mirrabooka and how they will affect those attending
• Outline our new person centred training and resources including;
Team Training for Service Providers
Shared Development Workshops for Service Providers and their Clients
Ongoing learning through our Community Sessions and Resources
Opportunities for Supervision, Feedback and Assessment
• Explore practical techniques to develop skills and achieve long term results
• Explore the idea of Social Inclusion and the role that service providers play within it
• Explore personal health and wellbeing, the different factors that affect it and the impact these can have in our lives and practices.
• Explore practical techniques to manage times of stress, improve personal wellbeing and help share these benefits with others
• Explore practical techniques to create positive relationships and achieve meaningful outcomes with clients, team members and other stakeholders.
When: 3:00pm – 4:30pm Monday 24th October 2016
Where: “Billabong Room” at the Herb Graham Recreation Centre
38 Ashbury Crescent, Mirrabooka WA 6061
Cost: Free
This information workshop is designed as a free training session for the support workers, co-ordinators and service providers of clients who currently attend Every Ability Laughter Yoga.
We kindly ask that you contact us if you have any questions regarding suitability.
For more details, or to register your interest, please contact;
Luke Be at Creative Expressionismsismmms
Phone: 0401 356 563
Email: creativeexpression@live.com
Web: www.creative.org.au
or through socia media
EALY - Workshop for Service Providers